
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Changes in our ocean

The changes in our ocean are not changes, their problems that we need to change. 

Every day millions of people rely on fish for food and good nutrition. When people take too much fish out of the ocean it creates problems. Lot’s of species go extinct from overfishing. The population is too small so they cannot breed which sadly leads to extinction. Huge big fishing trailers Scrape at the ocean floor getting hundreds and hundreds of fish to sell at huge fishing markets. When this happens it wrecks the coral reefs and ocean floor. 

Even though plastic has done great things for us it has also done bad. We have made lots of inventions with plastic but it is very harmful to marine life. Up to 8 million bits of plastic go into the ocean every day.  88% of the sea surface is plastic which out of every 3 fish 1 of them is contained with plastic. Fish think plastic is food so they eat it. The plastic makes them feel full but they are not and then they starve to death. 

As the years pass our globe is getting hotter. This is because of us. The pollution from factories and cars goes up into the air and makes holes in our ozone layer. The ozone layer is like a thin blanket that protects us from the sun. When the pollution makes holes through the ozone layer it makes it hotter. The ice caps start to melt which makes the sea rise. Many marine life species can’t live because the temperature of the water is too hot. This is a global problem that we need to fix.

We have to remember that they were here first and were just mucking up their world. To help stop these problems we need to not overfish, don’t use plastic, and try not to make as much pollution. If we can do this It will change the ocean back to how it was, when it was healthy.

By Troy

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