
Monday, September 7, 2020

The damage caused by wildfires

A wildfire is deadly, destroying homes, wildlife and contaminates the air with the pollution that can harm people.  Wildfires are very dangerous.

The impact that fires have on communities is huge. After the fire, some people are left with nothing but only the clothes on their back. Their home was swallowed by the fire. Luckily they get their homes rebuilt. 

480 million wildlife were injured or killed in the Australian bush fires in 2019. Wildfire causes wildlife to move, avoiding flames and searching for new habitat. This can cause animals to wander into human-populated areas and come into contact with humans they would normally avoid. However, there are many positives because thankfully vets are helping the wildlife to heal.

In 2018 the wildfires season burned 8.7 million acres of land. Wildfires are the biggest and widest spread natural disasters in the world. Wildfires can spread in seconds. The conditions can make the fire spread faster. Wind, Droughts and extreme heat can make the fire bigger and more dangerous.

Wildfires are extremely dangerous and harmful. Firefighters have to put there life on the line to save people that are in the fire.

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